Making Your Home Beautiful

Three Designs That You'll Find in a Loft Ladder

A loft ladder will make it easy and safe for your family members to travel between the upper floor of your home and the loft above it. Even though functionality might be paramount, it's also important to choose a ladder that offers a certain degree of visual appeal in your home. A loft ladder company can introduce you to a variety of designs that you'll find attractive and that will complement the overall look of your home. Here are three designs that you'll commonly find when you evaluate different loft ladders.

1. All-Wood Design

A lot of loft ladders have an all-wood design, which is a look that many homeowners find appealing. Generally, this means that the side rails are made of wood, as are the rungs of the ladder. An all-wood design can be appealing in a wide range of scenarios, but you may especially favor this look if you have hardwood flooring on the upper floor of your home. This means that when you extend the loft ladder, its wood can be a close visual match with the flooring below, provided that you buy the right ladder design. All-wood loft ladders also have a sturdy feel when you climb on them, which you may favor in terms of safety.

2. Aluminum Design

Stepladders that you use for various projects around the home are often made of aluminum, and this is a material that you'll sometimes find in loft ladders, too. While this design can give your ladder a modern appearance, the biggest benefit of aluminum arguably relates to the ladder's functionality. Aluminum is known for its lightweight nature, which means that when you're pulling down the loft ladder or stowing it, the overall weight of this structure will be low. This can be appealing for people who may feel as though a wooden loft ladder weighs too much for them to easily operate.

3. Wood and Metal Design

You'll often find loft ladders that have both wooden and metal elements, which can offer a look that many homeowners see as appealing. For example, the side rails and the rungs may be wood, but there could be pipe-style railings that extend from the side walls to make the ladder easier to climb safely. Think about the materials that you think will look best in this part of your home, and then contact a loft ladder company to discuss your options.
